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Emily Yost

October 16, 2014

Emily Yost’s name has become synonymous, at least in North America, with proper etiquette and manners. We have the privilege today of having this esteemed expert answer YOUR questions about social graces.

NYT2008100715240854C Q: Dear Emily Yost,

My cousin, who lives one state away, is a terrible hostess. Her home is such a mess (think soiled clothes and piles of paper in the hallway) that I’m not comfortable having my family stay there when we visit. However, I don’t want to hurt her feelings by confronting her about her bad housekeeping. What should I do?

A: In this case I would call for a bunt

Q: Dear Emily Yost,

If a new acquaintance invites my family to dinner, are we obliged to return the invitation if we found her husband objectionable, bigoted, and rude?

A: It would probably be smart to move the runner over with a bunt

Q: Dear Emily Yost,

I’ve often been told that when you visit a new neighbor for the first time, it’s proper to give the host or hostess a bottle of wine. But I do not consume alcohol and do not want to be embarrassed by refusing to imbibe with them. I would love to know what gesture might be an appropriate alternative.

A: A nice bunt would be appropriate

Q: Dear Emily Yost,

My boyfriend’s mother wants to know everything about our financial situation—from what we make to the size of our debts. How do we explain to her that it’s none of her business?

A: Nothing makes things happen like a bunt, I would give the bunt sign

Q: Dear Emily Yost,

I’m getting married in October. My fiancé and I are over 45 and well established in life. Both of us have houses and have been married before. We really don’t need standard wedding gifts. Is there a way to ask for a gift card or just cash without being rude?

A: Bunting is a good idea here

Emily Yost is a syndicated etiquette columnist and American League manager

One Comment leave one →
  1. December 18, 2014 10:23 pm

    Start a baseball franchise :

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